Water is our greatest martyr. It constantly takes one for the team—absorbing every human pollution. With all its skin in the game yet no voice to be heard, it’s time to speak up for water. When we speak for water, we stand up for our families and our health. Join our mission. Be the voice of water and help us openly solve both domestic and international water issues.
Water M. Mission believes in Water for the World. We’ll elevate other water non-profits who are reaching the most people and creating the most efficient solutions and we’ll add to their funds. In pursuit of WM’s Vision our Mission is to educate the fortunate and provide quality water for every nation and tribe.
One hundred percent of profits from Waconomics go to charity-driven water projects endorsed by WM. We’re going to build a global classroom filled with global citizens. We’ll start in the United States and enroll other classmates as we are welcomed by the international communities.
Water M. Mission seeks to bridge water’s relevance and the condition of our water infrastructure wherever our goods are produced and our global citizens (citizens’ health and wealth) affected by its use and management. WMM will educate the public about the importance of water infrastructure, access, and allocation.
WM Mission embraces a process to recognize Water Value without commodification, to explain Water Inflation and how to manage its expression on the cost of living everywhere, to fill the Water Gap in our households bringing back traditional models for purchasing power, and offer opportunities in all economies to thrive. WMM will embrace as many avenues and nurture as many ideas within its scope and long-term objectives, to generate philanthropic funds to address the short-term symptoms and stagnation brought on by water imbalance, and continuously engineer greater paradigms that allow for economic improvement for all communities, utilizing water as the conduit for equitable growth. WMM will promote best practices, improvement of technology, and generate funding for non-profit water projects. Water M. will seek to ensure that economically disadvantaged communities have the resources to obtain access to clean water.
PO BOX 1236
320 33RD ST